Friday, May 27, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: 100 things about me!! Part II

Linking up with Joni from six cherries on top for other around of the good, the bad and the Ugly.

Part II: Old Habits die hard

11. Nail biting - I've always bitten my nails, I can't remember a time where I didn't bite my nails

12. Chip licking - might sound gross... but it's something that I always remember doing. Any flavoured chip must be licked on both sides before putting in my mouth to chew  (90% of the time in public I will eat normally, but it's not the same) - also, I've noticed Piper has picked up on my habit.

13. Never go the bed angry! I don't like going to bed angry at anyone. I always like to start the next day off fresh.


Lindsay said...

I ALWAYS lick my ships too! It's such a bad habit beacuse I also do it in public...people always look at me and say.."what are you doing?" ha ha I just love all the flavors first!

Stacy said...

ME THREE I lick my chips, especially sour cream and onion which sucks cuz then i get those little green things all stuck in my teeth!!

Shannon said...

I do the same thing too lol especially for dill pickle, ketchup and all dressed!

Jen said...

Love licking chips too! Hahahaha!