Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Like Mother, Like Daughter

It's a long running joke in my family that I use to like to sleep with inanimate objects. For example, I had a Santa Claus candle that I brought everywhere with me and just had to sleep with it. Also, my parents would have to put me to bed with my toy vacuum cleaner - this toy was probably the same length as me, and plastic and hard - but they would tuck it in beside me.....

Well... the apple doesn't fall from the tree.

Piper's grandma (my mother in-law) gave her a miniature singing Santa yesterday morning and when it came to bed time last night Piper brought her Santa to bed with her.... tucked him in, gave him a kiss, and for the very first time said 'I love you' to her Santa. I'll admit that it was funny but I was little sad! She's only had this Santa for 12 hours... what am I chop liver!?

She laid down beside the Santa, looked at him and said 'Shhh... dodo!' I tucked her in and left the room. She laid there for maybe a couple of minutes before making her way into our bed. Luckily, she left Santa behind.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Guess where Piper pee'd!?

Lastnight, I was about to give Piper and bath and I took off her diaper she immediately said Pee and ran to her potty. She sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up while she was doing that I went into the kitchen for a second to feed the dog...I came back into the room and Piper said bath and started running for the bathroom, I looked in her potty no pee...and I was a little confused but then figured she didn't pee...not a big deal!
We live in a bungalow, so our bathroom is pretty close to our living room, so I put Piper in the bath she took her toys, I went to the living for something and then I seen some pee on the floor right beside my coffee table...but then I looked closely and she even manage to pee on the bottom shelve of the coffee table?!? How the heck does a little girl manage to do that?!?! I'm still a little confused on how she got pee there! because she wouldn't be able to sit on the shelve properly to have that much pee on the shelve and not the floor.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No.# 38 and No.# 64 - COMPLETED

This past weekend I was able to scratch two items off my 101 list. Number 38 and Number 64!

No.38 - Paint my nails a dark color. Simple enough!
I probably haven't painted my finger nails any color since childhood. I'm a big time nail bitter and always thought nail polish looked so bad at my fingers. Especially, since they were chewed and so short. I've been getting my nails done by my Aunt Lynn since the beginning of October right before my sister's wedding and I've been keeping them the natural color of the acrylic nail but this Saturday I threw away my routine and put on 'We'll always have Paris.'
And I'm loving this color! Also, it makes me feel a bit older more like grown-up having nice nails!!

No. 64 - Try to make homemade beans - A scary task; because you never hear of anyone beans the best beans usually hear, 'these beans are good' or 'not the worse beans I've had'....

Saturday night I made sure I had all ingredients for my new adventure. I was using a recipe I found online and adding a few steps from the back of the bean bag! Which is very unlike me, I usually have to follow each step careful and never stray from the recipe.
Sunday morning, I woke up turn my slow cooker on, added all the ingredients, gave it one good stir before leaving for the day. When I returned home, there was nice aroma in the house and Chris even mention that my bean smelt good!
Chris then left for his last afternoon of hunting for the season and Piper and I were left at home. By 4:45pm, Piper was hungry and starting to climb her high chair. I put together her her supper; veggies, scallop potatoes, ham and of course a very small amount of beans. As usual, Piper eats her veggies first and then she started eating her potatoes, I was curious to see if she would eat the beans (side note: this beans have not been taste tested because I DO NOT eat beans); so I took her fork and placed one teeny-tiny bean on it and then put it her mouth...she quickly spit the one bean out and start to gag! she continued to gag until she vomited all of her veggies - she has never done this before! and I took this as a sign that my beans were not good. Chris arrived home 5 - 10 minutes later and I told him the story and told him that I would be fine if he didn't eat any of the beans. Chris fixed himself a plate and ate the beans, he said that he was very surprised that they actually turned out so well. YAY! He ate everything and went back to the kitchen for seconds, and only took beans! double YAY!
I then went on to ask him to rate my beans! and he told me for my first time attempting to make beans he said that they were very good and not to lose my list because he would offer my name at the next family meal to make beans! He want on to give me an 8 out of 10! TRIPLE YAY!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Birthday

To my favorite sister!! I'm allowed to say that because Lena is my only sister!!! I do consider Lena to be my best friend and I still look to her for advice and wisdom (as she is 7 years older then me :p )

As sisters we still get on each others nerves and we still bicker but our love and admiration for each other beats all the bad times.

She truly is the best sister ever! and I'm so glad to have her in my life and I'm happy that Piper will have a shopping partner when she needs shoes.

Happy Birthday Lena!!! Have a great day!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


It's Wednesday morning, and I've already started my countdown for tonight. I'm joining 2 friends (Wanda and Chantal) for a little Wii Action of JUST DANCE 2.

I've only played one other time but it's so addictive and I haven't stopped talking about it. It's a good way to spend an evening with friends and with a whole lot of DANCING!!! and what I great workout as well!

Wanda and Chantal have played a dozen more times then me, so I won't be surprised with them getting higher points or more GOLD STARS!

I'm just excited to get my groove on!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

For the love of dogs

Piper is obsessed with dogs! The first thing she has to do in the morning is give our dog Romy a kiss - which it's more of her sitting on the floor and letting Romy lick the inside of her mouth. In our house, you hear alot of 'Romy, off!' and 'Piper close your mouth!' At night when I pick Piper up from her grand-parents she gives them a big hug and kiss and then points to their dog and says 'kiss' their dog doesn't sit still long enough for Piper to kiss him so we physically have to pick the dog up and bring it to her so she can kiss him.  I know this can't be the most sanitary thing but Piper will be 18mths old and never has been sick - just a few colds here and there that last maybe 2 days. It's really cute to see her love something so much and I know it's a phase and it will probably go away eventually but it's cute to see her interact with them. The bigger the dog, the happier Piper is. She loves my parents BIG dog and would much rather play and spend time with her then play with any of the toys. It's hilarious, to see her get so excited over a TV commercial that has a dog on it or even if she gets a glimpse of a dog on TV for a second! Her face is priceless! I have to admit that the only TV show that Piper will sit through the entire thing is the 'Family Guy' and I truly believe it's because of Brian the talking dog. I will soon have to put a stop to that TV show as it's not really geared toward toddlers.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Quick and to the point...

was my experience with the CLSC in Fort-Coulonge yesterday. I arrived at 3pm, I was triage right away from there I was put into a room, waited on the doctor for about 10 minutes, I knew she was waiting on my urine results, she came in and I indeed have a bladder infection (not surprising, I tend to get bladder and/or kidney infections about every 4 - 6 months). The longest part was waiting on the nurse to give me a few pills to tie me over until I can make it to the pharmacy this afternoon. After all that, I was back in Bryson to pick Piper up from her grand-maman's at 3:55pm. Not to shabby! I wish all visits to the CLSC were quick like that every time, especially when having to bring Piper.

A bonus from having this bladder infection, Chris was home early from deer hunt and offered to give Piper her bath and he even washed her hair!

Friday, November 5, 2010

To Blog Or Not to Blog...

that is the question i've been asking myself for a few days now! I've decided to hoop onto this band-wagon and see how I like it...hopefully I will like this new adventure!!! By creating this blog, I'm pleased to say that I've completed my very task off my 101 list to do in 1001 days! YAY! ME!
Consider # 46. Completed!