Tuesday, November 9, 2010

For the love of dogs

Piper is obsessed with dogs! The first thing she has to do in the morning is give our dog Romy a kiss - which it's more of her sitting on the floor and letting Romy lick the inside of her mouth. In our house, you hear alot of 'Romy, off!' and 'Piper close your mouth!' At night when I pick Piper up from her grand-parents she gives them a big hug and kiss and then points to their dog and says 'kiss' their dog doesn't sit still long enough for Piper to kiss him so we physically have to pick the dog up and bring it to her so she can kiss him.  I know this can't be the most sanitary thing but Piper will be 18mths old and never has been sick - just a few colds here and there that last maybe 2 days. It's really cute to see her love something so much and I know it's a phase and it will probably go away eventually but it's cute to see her interact with them. The bigger the dog, the happier Piper is. She loves my parents BIG dog and would much rather play and spend time with her then play with any of the toys. It's hilarious, to see her get so excited over a TV commercial that has a dog on it or even if she gets a glimpse of a dog on TV for a second! Her face is priceless! I have to admit that the only TV show that Piper will sit through the entire thing is the 'Family Guy' and I truly believe it's because of Brian the talking dog. I will soon have to put a stop to that TV show as it's not really geared toward toddlers.

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