Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We Want to Know Wednesday!

Today I'm linking up for "We Want to Know Wednesday", hosted by Janette, Mamarazzi, Shawn, & Impulsive Addict.

{1} What game show have you always thought you could be on and totally WIN!
I know this show isn't on TV anymore but I use to love watching it and I always thought I would be pretty good it. It's called Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego.
'Contestants pursue the international thief as junior detectives who must answer questions about geography.'

{2} Do you have a tattoo(s)? What are they and what made you chose them? If not, would you get one, yes/no/why?

My very first tattoo is on my right upper arm and it's my zodiac sign. The pretty version of the Leo sign.
My second  tattoo was a nautical star on the inside of my left wrist. A little over a year ago, I added to my left wrist another nautical star and banner with Piper's name on it.

{3} What is your favorite piece of jewelry that you own?
I do not wear jewelry at all... my favorite piece is actually my engagement & wedding ring - but I haven't be able to wear mine since I was pregnant with Piper - my knuckles actually grew a whole size. I need to be proactive and get both rings re sized.

{4} What is your driving pet peeve(s)?
I hate when people cut in front of you...just turn off again 20 feet down the road. OMG...grrr!

{5} What was your favorite sitcom growing up that you wish was still on?
I was a big huge Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan! I miss all the characters and I wish it was still on...or even for them to have a reunion show.... I actually watched the series finale last Saturday.


Anonymous said...

I have the exact same driving pet peeve - I HATE when people do that!!!

Stacy said...

OMG where in the world is carmen santiago - i used to LOVE that show!!