Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

I'm loving that today is payday! I (heart) paydays, even though it goes out as quickly as it comes in.

Day #2 of potty training Piper! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it continues to go as smoothly as yesterday did. Only 2 accidents - which is great considering she isn't 2 years old!

Today is Administrative Professional day for all admin personnel. I've already got a few Happy Admin Day's for several people in my office. My Director gave me a cute little Excellence pin that I will proudly display in my cubicle. And one of the greatest Unit heads / acting Managers / my knitting teacher will be providing all admin staff in our unit with a pizza lunch!!! A girl can't ask to work in a better place to Office of Regulatory Affairs!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Administrative Professional's Day!! Only 1 person said it to me and it wasn't my DG! :(