Thursday, July 7, 2011

Already 4 years....

I'm still in a little bit of awwww, that today is Chris and I's 4th year wedding anniversary! Technically, we've been together for 6 years but a wedding anniversary is so much more official.

Wedding Day - July 7, 2007

I still remember the big day like it was yesterday, and I hope I never stop forgetting all the small things.

Wedding Day - July 7, 2007. On my parents property

I'm so great to have found a great man. He still makes me laugh everyday, but he knows how to be serious when the time calls for it. He knows what I need and want when I'm sad. He does have a bit of a temper and short fuse, but it doesn't come out very often usually only when I'm being a royal bitch and start pressing the wrong buttons....but those fights are usually short lived.

Our greatest accomplishment, if of course is a no brainer: Piper Colleen Kelly. She is definitely the healthiest/beautifulest child a mommy could have ask for. It still melts my heart watching Chris play with her, and cuddle with her. He's an exceptional father!

Holding Piper for the very first time.... awww (then he passed her back full of poop)

So, here we our on 4 years and counting......


Stacy said...

Congrats and many more wonderful years to come!!

Jennifer said...

Awww...Happy Anniversary!

I purposely chose our wedding date as close to our getting together anniversary date because we'd been together 10 years when we finally tied the knot. With 4 kids (our oldest is 11) it sounds a bit better to say we are celebrating our 14th anniversary than our 4th LOL.

Jill said...

Happy Anniversary!! :)