Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Confessional

Linking up with Mamarazzi for the first time for Friday Confessional:

I confess that my boss gave me two chocolate chip cookies to take home for Piper - and I just secretly ate both of them while she was in a meeting.

I confess that I haven't spent much time doing actual work but playing with my new blackberry.

I confess that I'm really looking forward to having a week off and spending it with Piper - but I'm a little nervous that she is going to get bored with me by Tuesday.

I confess that I haven't paid my dentist bill from last month yet, and I have to go back next week to get a cavity filled.

Now it's your turn... Link up with Mamarazzi and let me know what your confessions are this week?


Lena B, Actually said...

The weather is supposed to be pretty nice next week. We can get together for some beach dates or something! :)

CindyC said...

I can't believe you ate your daughter's cookies!! (I would so do the same thing...and have!)