Monday, June 13, 2011

My favorite Girls

A daughter grows up to be a friend - author unknown

A sister is like having a best friend that you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll always be there - Amy Li

Piper is of course is my pride and joy. I love the little person she is becoming. I can't believe how funny and sweet she already is and she is only 2 years old. The greatest decision I've ever made was the decision to become a Mom!

Lena is by far my best friend and always will be. She is the person, I can laugh and cry with. She was by my side on the happiest days of my life and she was there on some tough days! It's not always peaches and creams but it always makes us closer.
Piper and her god-mother :D

Ruby is my little gem (literally, my birth stone is a Ruby) and she knows it. I love that as soon as I walk into the room, I hear her little Muppet voice and a big 'Auntie Amanda, I love you'. Ruby is definitely my favorite niece! (which I can say without offending anyone because she is technically my only niece)

My god-daughter Ruby
My Mom - I love my mom - I might not say it or show it like I should. We have an unusual relationship. We like to hang out together but can only take each other in small doses - maybe it's because we are so much alike. She is definitely a great mom. This is going to sound so sappy BUT if I can be half the mom she has been to Lena, Doug and I, will be pleased with myself.
My Mommy and I

1 comment:

Lena B, Actually said...

Awww... geez, I almost started crying! I'm getting sappy in my old age! ;)
Love you!